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onsdag den 17. oktober 2012

Parodi på Facebook reklame film:

Facebook er som et toilet!


Hvis du ikke har set en originale film, der bliver parodidieret, er den her:

tirsdag den 10. juli 2012

How Google Measures 'High Quality' Content
Since Google's Pengiun update was released, the pressue's been on for websites to produce high-quality content so as to not be penalized in the search rankings. But how exactly doesGoogle define high quality? Here, Search Engine Land editor Danny Sullivan explains the factors search engines consider when analyzing the content on your site.

torsdag den 5. april 2012

Want to be found in searches on LinkedIn?

As a job seeker, you want to consistently show up in search results for candidates with your set of qualifications, ideally higher than other candidates, which is often called LinkedIn SEO or improving your LinkedIn search rank. And, you want to stand out from the other candidates and engage the interest of the recruiters so they click on your profile snapshot to learn more and, eventually, to get to your full profile information.

The right keywords
If you want to be found by recruiters on LinkedIn, it is important that you implement the right keywords in your LinkedIn profile.
What is important in terms of keywords is that you identify the right keywords. So you should familiarize yourself with what words a recruiter want to search for when he / she is searching for you.

How to prepare
Find out which words or job descriptions that are typically used within your industry. Look at job listings for positions that match what you're after. Compare then the various ads and find out which words or job descriptions are used the most - and then customize your LinkedIn profile so that the most frequently used job titles appear in your profile.

You may have included IT consultant in your LinkedIn profile. After research among job online, you might find the other names for the same type of job, such as Microsoft consultant, IT management, Project Manager, Senior IT Developer, Sales Representative, etc. Other frequently used words in job ads might be: an experienced, proactive, independent, competent, etc.
Compare the results of your research and find out the 5-6 most common job titles that are used in job advertisements.

Insert job titles in the right places
Once you find out which job titles are commonly used in your industry, it is important to incorporate them into your profile - and in the right places.
The 1-2 main keywords or jobtitles should be your headline. A headline could be, for example "Experienced and talented Project Manager with Social Media competencies."
Another thing that counts in the search is job titles. When writing about your past and current positions, you should use what you discovered in your research.
Additionally, you can also write keywords in your Summary and Specialties, although it is not weighted as highly.


  • Your profile must be 100% "complete," at LinkedIn standards. Knowing your completion percentage, go to "Edit profile" and see what can be specified in the "Profile Completeness" box in the right column.
  • Ensure that the "industry" choice on top of your profile is linked to the job you want  - not the job you had.
  • Include a detailed work history, with clear job descriptions and well-written job descriptions that describe both your responsibilities and your main findings.
  • Avoid using slashes between critical keywords, for example, "sales / marketing." LinkedIn's search technology does not always recognize the two words separately. Instead, use a comma with a space or one of those fancy vertical slashes with spaces, like "sale |. Marketing"
Thomas Helgesen

onsdag den 4. april 2012

Linkedin på trappene med ny opdatering

Værktøj på vej til at skabe overblik over potentielt interessante "connections"

LinkedIn har i denne uge opdateret en central funktion, der nu producerer personlige forslag til mennesker, du måske kender og ønsker at "connecte" med.

"People you may know"-værktøjet, som var blevet placeret i øverste højre hjørne af skærmen, når du logger ind, viser tre potentielle "connections". I de næste par uger, vil LinkedIn udrulle et mere omfattende version, der gør det en hel del lettere at finde nye "connections" 

Den nye  "People you may know" funktion er i øjeblikket i beta. Den bruger en LinkedIn algoritme, der tager hensyn til faktorer såsom dit eksisterende netværk, tidligere arbejdspladser, og hvor du har gået i skole, til at producere en kategoriseret portefølje af potentielle "connections".

Hvis funktionen ikke er rullet ud til dig endnu, kan du stadig afprøve det nye LinkedIn  "People you may know" værktøj. http://www.linkedin.com/people/pymk
Når du besøger siden, vil du bemærke en række ikoner i toppen - det er det netværk, som LinkedIn algoritmen har bestemt, du måtte have som mulige "connections". Du kan klikke på +-symbolet for at udvide for at se alle i dine netværk.

Thomas Helgesen

onsdag den 28. marts 2012

5 Social Media Tips for Finding and Engaging Your Target Audience: New Research

Do you know where your customers and prospects spend time online?
Marketers have long relied on market research to determine where to spend their advertising dollars on television, radio and print advertisements.
In the last few years, research organizations have begun providing intelligence on how consumers behave on social networks.
The following article is based on new social media research studies.

mandag den 26. marts 2012

Knights, Pirates, Trees Flock to Facebook

Mascots and Other Embodiments of Corporations Make a Comeback in Order to Tweet and Interac BySUZANNE VRANICA


10 Steps to Learn More about Facebook marketing

With the latest predictions that the number of active Facebook users will reach 1 billion in 2012, some CEO and marketing managers may be wondering; why just jump in?
Brilliant post from Rune Haugestad - worth reading

torsdag den 15. marts 2012

Google Gives Search a Refresh

Google Inc. is giving its tried-and-true Web-search formula a makeover as it tries to fix the shortcomings of today's technology and maintain its dominant market share.By AMIR EFRATI

søndag den 11. marts 2012

Great Companies Start With Why

Customers buy brands, not products. If you can't articulate the reason for your company's existence, you're going to lose out.
Tom Searcy

torsdag den 8. marts 2012

4 Simple Ways to Loose Traffic and Build Your Business

Aside from the fact that you’re staring at this post’s headline with a healthy dose of WTF right about now, it’s 100% true. How often do you think about what you’d give up in order to get more?
 by Erika Napoletano

torsdag den 1. marts 2012

The New Facebook Page: All The Juicy Details

I don’t know about you but I’ve been waiting for the launch of the new Facebook Pages for a few weeks. This post is to list and explain each one of those changes, how they will affect the way you manage your Facebook Page and the new possibilities for customization, engaging and communicating better with your fanshttp://socialmouths.com/blog/2012/03/01/the-new-facebook-page/

7 Free or Low Cost Tools to Improve Landing Page Conversion Rates

A great landing page can easily increase conversion rates between 100 and 300 percent. The process to getting a great landing page is deceptively simple and endlessly iterative: analyze, design, launch, test, repeat.
Marketers across the spectrum of experience face similar challenges. Seasoned marketers hit diminishing returns while novice testers struggle with where to start.These seven low cost or free tools will help you find fresh ideas for testing and make it easier to get those ideas into market more quickly.

Facebook Brand Timelines: 6 Big Changes Every Marketer Needs to Understand

Facebook announced to brand marketers the world over that, within the month, everything they knew about fan Pages on Facebook would be overturned. While you get your brand ready for the new Timeline format, here are six important changes to keep top-of-mind.


onsdag den 29. februar 2012

3 Most Innovative Social Sites Right Now

A shortlist of the top three most useful, innovative and interesting social platforms today.
Aaron Aders

How to Drive (& Re-Target) Traffic to Your PPC Landing Pages [with Infographic]

A winning landing page does little to convert visitors if the page isn’t getting traffic. For immediate traffic results, many marketers turn to pay-per-click campaigns. There are four primary methods for driving traffic to your landing pages using PPC:

tirsdag den 28. februar 2012

Social Listening Done Right: Stride Gum Case Study

Many new marketers who leverage social media forget about one of the greatest benefits, social listening. There are many benefits to social listening


Why an Optimized Content Strategy is Crucial for Social & Search

Success in social media and organic search is only possible with an optimized content marketing strategy. If you don’t have the latter, you may as well forget about being remotely successful with the former.


mandag den 27. februar 2012

Networking Guide For Bloggers: Messages That Get Noticed

Communicating via text is a rather difficult thing. Words, sentences, and punctuation are the only tools you can use. You can’t raise a smile in the middle of a sentence, you can’t use your hand movements to emphasize a point, you can’t use any other kind of body language to aid you in conveying your message
By Karol K.

The Brutal Truth About Social Media: It's OK to Be a Little Antisocial

Here's Why Most Consumers Will Never 'Engage' With Brands or Content, and Why It Doesn't Matter

Is photo-sharing website Pinterest the next Facebook or Twitter?

Not a week goes by without a new website being proclaimed as 'the new Facebook' or 'the next Twitter', but photo-sharing network Pinterest could have genuine staying power - as long as some copyright concerns don't scupper its popularity. Metro wades through tonnes of images of knitwear and cupcakes to find out what it's all about.
By Ross McGuinness

PlusBlogging – How to Dominate your Market in Google+

In this post, I’ll  be detailing and dissecting some factors that can help boost your SEO, content marketing and social campaigns using your Google+ brand/profile page or by PlusBlogging (blogging on Google+).


9 Social Media Hacks I Use Every Day

Social media isn’t inexpensive, it’s just different expensive. To do it well requires a tremendous time commitment, and regardless of what your life and lifestyle entails, the time you spend on social comes with an opportunity cost price tag. Thus, one of the characteristics that sets adept practitioners of social media apart from less successful adherents is wise use of time.
post originally written for iMedia Connection

8 Steps to Guest Blogging Artistry for Free Links, Recognition & Exposure

Write for people, link for people. The idea ofoptimizing for people is one of the most important shifts in search marketing. Since Google’s Panda update took effect a year ago, guest blogging has become a key link building practice that is based on exchanging worthwhile content for improved rankings and many other perks!

Mobile Marketing With QR Codes and MS Tags

Consumer behaviors are changing, and mobile technologies are among the predominant influences affecting the shift.

6 Steps to a More Marketable LinkedIn Profile

Somewhere along the line you started treating it more like a resume. It's time to fix that.
Author: Jeff Haden

søndag den 26. februar 2012


Last month, in The Truth About Content, my main purpose was to pass along a few simple pieces of advice: That when it comes to marketing, content is not product; to start small and have a plan for growth; to treat it as seriously as a publisher does; and perhaps most importantly, to not let your ego get in the way.

lørdag den 25. februar 2012

Tips on Web Strategy

Bluewire Media has an annual web strategy prize for QUT students. The student who the won the prize in 2011 was Talia Yat and here she shares her tips on web strategy. If you’d like to get in touch with Talia, please feel free to do so!
By ,

Designing the Customer Experience

I've been doing more travel recently. And I can in all honesty say that there is plenty of room left for improving customer experience in the travel industry -- airlines, hotels, car services, even airports. Since there is no guaranteed security, we should stop pretending that if we treat people poorly, all will be well.
Author: Valeria Maltoni


3 Definitive Ways to Utilize Social Media for Business – the RIGHT Way!

Today I have a very sincere message for every business owner out there that is using social media to promote and market their business…
Stop having one night stands on your social media channels.

Author: Chris C. Ducker

fredag den 24. februar 2012

How to Write Title Tags For Search Engine Optimization

Now we're going back to basics! And nothing is more basically important to a site than properly written title tags. You know the ones that used to appear in the little blue bars in your browsers. Most modern browsers try to hide these, though that doesn't stop them being helpful!

Top 10 Best Practices of Social Media Experts on Twitter

Here are some of the best practices I’ve observed of folks who are so-called “experts” at using Twitter.

How To Change Your Twitter Username Handle And Rebrand Your Account

How To Change Your Twitter Handle (Username) Without Losing Any Followers



Video marketing is hot right now, and chances are you may have already tried to capitalize on that with some videos on YouTube. You may think you are done once you have uploaded your video, optimized it for searched, and shared it with your audience. But if you’re only checking your number of views from this point out, then you’re missing out on some important data – your video statistics.


Why Your Business MUST Go Social [INFOGRAPHIC]

with over 30 percent of the world’s population now online, the modern business simply cannot afford to ignore social media.


How to Write a Better Elevator Pitch

What you think is an elevator pitch will actually alienate customers. Instead, have a conversation that creates a real sales opportunity.

Five steps for using Google+ and content marketing to boost search and social visibility

Google+ marketing can boost social reach and search visibility. Here are some tips on sharing content on Google's social network.

Building Better Customer Experience - Visually


Pinterest marketing: Best practices to get your brand started

Eager to include Pinterest in your social media marketing mix? These tips and best practices will help you get started.

Four winning sports social media marketing campaigns you can learn from


torsdag den 23. februar 2012

Unwrapped: How to Use Read It Later with Your New iPhone or iPad

You can save stories, videos, recipes and images onto your new iPhone or iPad, and then come back to it anytime you want: on the couch, at your computer, or at bedtime

5 SEO Tips to Help You Get an Edge on the Competition


How to Get 40,000 Readers Without Guest Blogging


Smart Talk for Fast Times: 5 Rules

No one has time to listen to chit-chat. Use these tricks to get more out of less in conversations with busy executives.

How Inbound Marketing Works, From Start to Finish [INFOGRAPHIC]
